Starting Off the School Year Right

Returning to school after a fun and care-free of summer can be tough. That’s particularly true for kids with ADHD or executive functioning challenges who struggle with skills like transitioning between activities, organization, flexible thinking and working memory. The key is to switch back to school mode a bit earlier - don’t wait until the day before school starts.

Below are a few strategies to try with your children; the goal is to get your children into a routine now, so that on the first day of school you’re smooth sailing!

1. Start “back-to-school” mode a week before the first day of school.

Giving your child time to get back into the school groove will make the transition that much easier. Let your family know what the plan is ahead of time. You can give you family members a heads up; “Everyone! On Monday we’re getting back into our school routine.” You can even put it on the calendar: Back-to-school routine begins.

2. Remind your children what the school year schedule entails.

The last day of school, back in June probably seems like eons ago to your child; they may not remember what the day-to-day consisted of two months ago. Remind them that back-to-school means earlier bedtimes and wake-up times. There are set times for things like after school activities, bathing and meals. It also means picking out clothing the night before, and routines for getting ready to leave for school and for getting homework completed.

3. Use organizational tools to help your child get back on course.

Tools like checklists, picture schedules and calendars can help your child learn to stick with a routine. Starting with the most challenging part of the day can be a good first step. For many kids, that means getting out the door on time in the morning (and with everything your child needs for the day!). Start your routine a few days before school starts and make sure you’re leaving enough time for your child to complete each task. For example, you might add to the morning schedule that wake up is at 7:00am, second/final wake up is at 7:10am and getting dressed/brushing teeth is at 7:20am.

4. Get your child ready for the after school routine at home.

Agree on a specific time after school for when your child will do his or her homework. This could be before or after a sport or other activity. If time allows, have you child do something quiet and low-key before they start studying, such has having a quick snack or listening to music. Try to avoid using screens before homework time. Practicing this homework time can be especially helpful for kids who have trouble with planning and managing time.

Wishing students and their families a very successful and positive kick off to the new school year!

Every student has a different learning style. For an individualized plan customized to your child's needs, please contact Dana Aussenberg at or email